Giráldez has already used 20 players in just three games

Barcelona has started the season as I finish it: dragging it out. The Catalans are leaders after three goals in three games and showing the breadth of their squad. In fact, Jonatan Giráldez has already used 20 players, all from the first team except the injured Jenni Hermoso, Laia Ouhabbi and Andrea Falcón plus goalkeeper Cata Coll, played the day she was able to enter by Sandra Paños. The rest have had minutes.

There is only one untouchable player: Marta Torrejón. The side He has played it all, the 270 minutes that have been played so far starting in all matches. Alexia, Mapi, Irene Paredes, Sandra Paños, Patri Guijarro, Mariona and Graham Hansen form the fixed for the coach. All of them have been headlines in the three matches thus having the bulk of their gala team, eight of the eleven players, are the skeleton of the new coach's team. And only three more players, Oshoala, Bruna Vilamala and Rolfo, have participated in all three matches. The Nigerian started in two of them, the youth squad and the Swede only have one title each.

With two more titles are Aitana Bonmatí and Crnogorcevic, both resting in a match. Claudia Pina, who has participated in two matches, is the other player who has started at some point. From the bench Melanie Serrano has participated in two meetings, like Martens and Pereira. Meanwhile, Engen, who made his debut against Valencia last day after an injury, Gemma Font, who came out to prevent a possible injury to Paños, and Jana have only come off the bench once. Giráldez wants to have all of them plugged in and, for now, all the ones that have been able to have premiered at Primera Iberdrola …