From the organization to the Athletic Foundation

Chapeau for Athletic and the professionals in charge of carrying out this last election day

None of the candidates for the Ibaigane chair specified throughout the campaign who they think to preside over the Athletic Foundation


More than half of Athletic’s members passed through San Mamés to vote in these elections for the presidency

Luis Weave / EFE

Chapeau for Athletic and the professionals in charge of organizing this last electoral day lived in San Mamés. The change of scenery, as was shown, was a great success. On many levels. It would not be bad to know how much was raised in the club’s own store.

Congratulations to Athletic and especially to its communication area. That’s how I like to work.

What was experienced in these last elections for the presidency of Athletic was unheard of on several levels. One of them particularly affects the club’s Foundation itself. None of the candidates for Ibaigane’s chair specified throughout the campaign who they think will head it.

Why? “Because they will have seen that things are done well”, they maintain from the rojiblanco environment.

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