Ends and front, profiles most in demand as reinforcements in the winter market

The wingers and forwards are the most demanded player profiles as possible reinforcements for the winter market, according to Álvaro García Martínez, CMO and Customer Service at FutbolJobs, a leading digital platform for employment in the world of football.

In the last two months of October and November, FutbolJobs has published a total of 304 jobs, including 128 vacancies for soccer players and 87 for coaches.

Álvaro García's forecast is that, during the months of December and January, the number of vacancies and demands will double, “especially of players and coaches due to the opening of the transfer market” in a “different” year due to the pandemic caused by COVID-19.

In addition to wingers and forwards, the job portal has also received numerous requests from coaches for international soccer academies.

The main market that these positions claim is the European one, but the Asian one also stands out with increasing growth, with India and the United Arab Emirates in the lead.

Álvaro García explains that the requirements that are mainly demanded by the clubs is that the candidate “have experience in the vacancy, different degrees and a desire for professional growth.”

In the case of players, the clubs request that the footballer have a “profile on the transfermarkt platform, a professional video with their best plays and above all that they have experience in leagues similar to that of the vacancy.”

“A good personalized cover letter can differentiate a profile from the rest of the candidates and choose a team or company for one profile or another,” adds the FutbolJobs leader, who also highlights the importance of presenting a curriculum as broad as possible ” both in Spanish and English “.