Djokovic to defend his ATP Cup title in Melbourne

Novak Djokovic continues to define his schedule for the start of the 2021 season. The Serbian, who will seek his 18th Grand Slam at the Australian Open and that would be his ninth title in Melbourne, where he is already the tennis player who has won the most times with 8 trophies, will play at least one tournament before seeking another Grand Slam in the Rod Laver Arena track.

Before a new round of the Australian Open, Djokovic will play on the tracks of Melbourne in another trophy where he also defends the title: the ATP Cup, which takes place from February 1 to 5 in the city of the state of Victoria.

Journalist Michal Samulski has confirmed that Djokovic will lead Serbia in search of repeating the triumph achieved in the first edition of the trophy in 2020, when the Balkan country beat Spain in the final of the tournament.

Djokovic was the great star of Serbia in the last ATP Cup, as he won all the individual matches he played in the tournament, including against rivals such as Daniil Medvedev and Rafa Nadal, and together with Viktor Troicki he managed to score the decisive point in the doubles match to win the title for Serbia and that he will try to revalidate in the 2021 season.