Dembélé doubts by the pressing of the agent

Dembele (24 years) still does not respond to the proposal to renew the Barça. Something that is already beginning to tire within the FC Barcelona. Along these lines, and as MD reported in yesterday’s edition, the club has given him an ultimatum of 15 days to define himself.

The point is that Dembele He has serious doubts in accepting the proposal by the pressing that his agent is exerting on him. The representative tells him that outside the Barça you will earn more money and also that a change of scenery would not go wrong. Play with the interest of some clubs in the Premier League, As the Manchester United and the Newcastle, who have positioned themselves to hire him although without sending the club a firm proposal in this winter market.

The Frenchman has commented internally, in the field of wardrobe, that he wants to continue in the Barça, that he is happy in the club and in the city, that he wants to return all the trust that the club placed in him, but then that is not specified in the conversations with his representative, Moussa Sissoko. Ousmane He does not impose his point of view with determination and allows them to continue to control his future.

Agent Dembele is moving him around Europe since he will be a free agent on June 30, 2022 and aspires to a succulent transfer bonus. His plan is for him to stay in the Barça until the end of the season. Know what Dembele he is important in a critical situation for the club and, therefore, it is difficult for him to leave him in the stands. His idea is to close a stage and open a new one in another league.

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