Cristina Pedroche, “very sorry” for the leak of her pregnancy: “She would have liked to announce it to her”

The presenter of Antena 3 has given the ‘bell’ with her surprising pregnancy, which she planned to announce exclusively on the 31st from Madrid’s Puerta del Sol. Despite the fact that the news has arrived on April Fool’s Day and there are still many who doubt, the environment of Cristina Pedroche He has confirmed it and has assured that she “is sorry” for the leak.

Also read: The video of Cristina Pedroche, naked and before the Chimes, in full commotion over her possible pregnancy

“He would have liked to announce it to her”this person told the magazine Week. “We are surprised that it has not come out before, it was becoming more and more evident. There are things that, no matter how much you want, cannot be hidden. We were all careful to make the slightest reference to the subject. They are very delicate things, she is the that you have to share it at the moment you consider”.

Both Christina and Dabiz Muñoz They are sad and surprised by the leak of this news, because only people very close to it knew about it: “She knows and is perfectly aware that a magazine does not publish news like this with four photos leaving a hospital. Someone close to her has confirmed it and That’s what squeaks him the most, he doesn’t understand it,” they say. “He’s going to keep quiet. He’s getting a lot of calls but he’s not going to answer anyone until he gets on the balcony on December 31. That will be his time.”