First image of Felipe VI after the controversy in London: smiling with Rafa Nadal

Maximum normality message. This is the first image of Philip VI after the repercussion that the photograph with his father had at the funeral of Elizabeth II. Smiling, relaxed and together Rafael Nadal. The monarch has given the Manacori tennis player the Camino Real award, as a universal Spaniard and in recognition of his legendary … Read more

Eugenia Martínez de Irujo, on the four kings at the funeral in London: “This is how Elizabeth II, who organized everything, will have wanted it”

Long-awaited reunion and moment to remember: the six children of the Duchess of Alba together in an act at the Palacio de Liria, in Madrid. Carlos, Alfonso, Jacobo, Fernando, Cayetano y Eugenia Martinez de Irujo have joined forces around the presentation of the first biography of their father, Luis Martinez de Irujo. First husband of … Read more

Exclusive: Victoria de Marichalar signs a millionaire contract as a fashion advertising icon

Marichalar Victory, Convalescing at her mother’s house, the Infanta Elena, and recovering from the peritonitis operation that took her to the operating room urgently, more than a week ago, she is once again in the news. The favorite granddaughter of King Juan Carlos missed some parades Madrid Fashion Week to which she was invited to … Read more

Carlos III, warm up that you go out: why it is impossible for this king to even emulate his mother

Floats, crowns and music hide in the acts celebrated since the death of Isabel II in Great Britain that kings, heirs or princes are really people of flesh and blood who sin daily under their titles, their uniforms, their mourning, their medals and their jewels. Two thousand guests, 500 world leaders, representatives of royal houses … Read more