Victoria Federica and the lingerie corset she has chosen to have a party: she stays in her underwear

While his brother froilancontinues in Abu Dhabi with his grandfather Don Juan Carlos, Doña Elena’s daughter continues from party to party and from sarao to sarao. Victoria FedericaIn the last few hours, he has shared several images in which he appears enjoying a party in style. Read also: Victoria Federica and her skid with the … Read more

Susana Uribarri, after Informalia’s exclusive on the name of Obregón’s girl: “Everything is possible with Ana”

At 11:46 this Saturday, April 1, Informalia He anticipated the name chosen by Ana García Obregón for her daughter: Ana Lequio Obregón. After the commotion that has been generated by the exclusive of this portal, the representative and best friend of the actress, Susana Uribarriyou have sent a message. Read also – Ana Lequio Obregón … Read more

Marta Ortega poses, talks about her children and surrenders to her parents after a year as president of Inditex

As time goes. This Saturday, April 1, marks the first year of martha ortega as non-executive president of Inditex. On the occasion of this very special date for her professional career and for the company founded by her father, the businesswoman has granted an interview to Financial Times. Read also: The admirable maturity of Marta … Read more

Obregón’s sister does not deny the rumors about Aless, her “desires” and Ana’s girl: “You will see”

To the debate about the morality of surrogacy, an illegal practice in our country, and the age of the actress to start taking care of a child, the theory about donor sperm is also added. Informaliain fact, has revealed this Saturday the full name with which the presenter has registered her daughter and that fuels … Read more

Ana Obregón and Susana Uribarri: what happened to Darek, the Polish stripper who dynamited their friendship?

There are friends that are for life and that become family. Ana Obregon (68), in full debate about her new surrogate motherhood, and Susana Uribarri (56), designated as a mole by Alessandro Lequio (62), are a clear example of this. However, on his way, not everything has been rosy. love for polish Derek blew up … Read more

The overwhelming message of Yolanda Ramos after the death of her mother: “Mommy, I can’t stop crying”

The death of a mother leaves a void impossible to fill. Yolanda Ramos (54) is now going through this painful loss. The actress, very reserved with her private life, has announced the death of her parent on social networks. On her comment wall, she has received supportive messages from anonymous followers and celebrity friends comforting … Read more