Obregón and his desire for prominence: in the midst of the controversy over his daughter-granddaughter, he takes time to boast of his popularity

In the first weeks of the baby’s life Ana Lequio Obregón, his mother-grandmother has not neglected social networks. She shares images of the little girl, moments from the Miami apartment where they stay, and also some posts shared by her followers (such as the controversial attack on Rocío Carrasco that she later deleted). This Tuesday, … Read more

Lequio, on the inscription of the daughter-granddaughter of Ana Obregón in Spain: “She herself has put stones in the way”

Three weeks after the birth of Ana Lequio Obregón, his mother-grandmother continues to be the absolute protagonist of the pink chronicle (and what is not pink chronicle). The 68-year-old presenter could have problems registering her daughter-granddaughter in the Spanish Registry, although she, from Miami, assures that she is calm and well advised by her lawyers. … Read more

Luis Miguel already “exercises” the father of the daughters of Paloma Cuevas: his day to day at La Finca

In the summer of last year their relationship was uncovered and, since then, they have lived their courtship with the utmost discretion (although not secretly). After the Easter holidays that have been spent on the farm of Luis Miguel in Marbella, in the wealthy area of ​​La Zagaleta, both resume their routine in Madrid. Their … Read more

Alfonso Díez and his ‘special’ friendship with Isabel Preysler: “He considers her a captivating woman”

All almost eight years after the death of Mrs. Cayetana and less than four months after the queen of hearts announced her break with Mario Vargas Llosa (87), Alfonso Diez e Isabella Preysler They have been related after sharing, a few weeks ago, a dinner with the businessman Thomas Terry y nuria gonzalezbusinessman’s wife Fernando … Read more

Candela Peña, beside herself after the video of the Dalai Lama kissing a child on the mouth: “How disgusting and what a shame”

He Dalai Lama, Tenzin Gyatso (87), has starred in one of the great controversies of recent hours. In a public act held in India, she kissed a minor on the mouth. He also asked her to “suck” his tongue. After the repercussion achieved by the video and the wave of criticism received around the world, … Read more