Candela Peña, beside herself after the video of the Dalai Lama kissing a child on the mouth: “How disgusting and what a shame”

He Dalai Lama, Tenzin Gyatso (87), has starred in one of the great controversies of recent hours. In a public act held in India, she kissed a minor on the mouth. He also asked her to “suck” his tongue. After the repercussion achieved by the video and the wave of criticism received around the world, the spiritual leader of Tibetan Buddhism apologized.

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Candela Pena She was very critical on her social media. Thus, this Monday he broke out in several Instagram posts: “What is this? How disgusting and shameful. Is there no debate about this? Is this not an abuse? What is happening in the world.”

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the protagonist of rose’s wedding She added, very outraged by the situation: “I insist. If a spiritual leader normalizes the abuse of a child and does this dirty thing in public, what won’t he do in private? Won’t they remove this deplorable? And the crazy ones are others. But where are we going to get… That child… I die”. The actress, winner of three Goya awards, couldn’t believe it: “And the child’s hand… He puts it on… What will make them suck him in private? Do something. That child, please…” .

The public act where this controversy occurred took place in February, but it has been now that it has spread like wildfire on social networks. The Dalai Lama kisses the boy on the mouth and then asks him to “suck” his tongue.

After the controversy, the spiritual leader apologized through his office: “His Holiness wishes to apologize to the boy and his family, as well as his many friends around the world, for the pain that his words may have caused.” In the statement, surprisingly, they tried to justify it and claimed that he sometimes acts “innocent” and “playful”, “even in public and in front of cameras.” However, they noted that the Dalai Lama “regrets the incident.” These apologies have been just as criticized on networks.