Messi, top scorer and leader in assists

The captain of the Argentine national team, Lionel Messi, won this Saturday his first title of Cup America in a final dreamed of Brazil thanks to the 1-0 sentenced by Angel Gave Mary and incidentally he established himself with four goals as the top gunner of the competition alongside the Colombian Lewis Diaz. As if … Read more

Atlético looks for how to fit Griezmann's salary

Seeing Atletico Griezmann again is difficult, but not impossible. Sports world revealed the possibility that Atlético and Barça would barter between the French and Saúl and, although it is complicated because it is a matter that needs many good views beyond even football, the plan already seduces several of the parties involved . But the … Read more

A new positive for coronavirus in Espanyol

The Spanish announced on Saturday afternoon that it has detected a new positive case for coronavirus after conducting PCR tests on members of its staff and technical staff. Without specifying the identity of the subject, the blue and white group also pointed out that it is asymptomatic and is already isolated at home. On the … Read more

A morning of tactics and strategy

The Real Madrid players faced the last working day of the week this morning, but not the last session, since Ancelotti's pupils will exercise again this afternoon from 18:00 in a session in which a training match with Fuenlabrada is scheduled. The white team will thus close its first week of preseason with ten training … Read more

Anoeta with an audience on July 28?

La Real is studying the possibility that the friendly between the txuri urdin squad and Monaco on July 28 (18 hours), the most demanding of the txuri urdin preseason, could be the first with an audience at the Anoeta Stadium from the start of the pandemic. The final decision of those responsible for the club … Read more

Ramos has a goal

Sergio Ramos has before him a new adventure full of challenges. The one from Beds arrives in Paris as one of the great stars of world football and expectations with his signing are high. In addition to regaining the throne in France, lost last season in favor of Lille, Ramos will have to face the … Read more

Messi, Neymar and an example for football

Messi and Neymar lived a real duel of 10 on the Maracanã grass. The one from Paris Saint-Germain and the one not yet signed by Barcelona met for the fifth time on the pitch: four with their national teams, which with the victory of Argentina stood 2-2 on aggregate, and one at club level in … Read more