The president of the Andalusian Basketball Federation (FAB), Antonio de Torres, has assured this Thursday that “the replacement” of Jorge Garbajosa in the presidency of the Spanish Basketball Federation (FEB) “is already here” and that for this reason ” it has to be Elisa Aguilar”, current director of Competitions of the FEB.
“What does this abandonment mean?”, he reflected on Garbajosa’s goodbye to serve as FIBA Europe’s highest representative. “Well, it supposes that the relay is here already, that the relay has to be Elisa Aguilar. And I say it publicly and I am going to say it because I have authorization from my colleagues,” said De Torres, who is also vice president of the FEB, before several journalists from the Palacio de Deportes de Granada.
“The news was an open secret. He contacted the vice presidents, if I remember correctly, in the month of December telling us that his intention was to bet on FIBA Europe. So it is the case of an announced death, it was already known. Yesterday we made an appointment to tell us that he was leaving,” De Torres explained about Garbajosa’s formal resignation.
“The Andalusian Federation, the Catalan Federation, the Madrid Federation and the Aragonese Federation support Elisa Aguilar in her project to win, not only these first elections that will be in 2023, but for the period from 2024 to 2028”, he asserted. From Torres.

In this sense, De Torres said that Aguilar “is the best prepared for all the reasons that you already know” and that “she also has a plus” for her candidacy. “She would be the first woman to preside over a federation, put in quotes that I don’t want anyone to feel alluded to, ‘important’,” she argued about it.
“I reiterate our support. And I hope Jorge doesn’t have any luck, because if he’s lucky, in the end he’ll be at FIBA World and each time we’ll go further,” De Torres finally joked, on the eve of the Spanish team I played the Ciudad de Granada Tournament.