Ansu Fati, between cottons: a pubalgia adds to your discomfort in the tendons

Much has been said these days about the reasons why Quique Setién decided to close the doors to play the 'play off' promotion to Second for both Riqui Puig and Ansu Fati, in any case allowing the defenseman Ronald Araujo and goalkeeper Iñaki Peña. Until the last day, both the coach of the subsidiary, Javier García Pimienta, and from other levels of the club, tried to convince the Cantabrian coach to open up the possibility of incorporating the two base football players.

However, Setien was adamant at all times, putting as the main argument that he needed these two players for the game against Naples of the Champions on August 8 after the many casualties he will face in this match: Arturo Vidal and Sergio Busquets, sanctioned, Martin Braithwaite, not registered, and Antoine Griezmann, Samuel Umtiti, Clement Lenglet and Ousmane Dembélé, injured, although they hope to at least recover the first three.

However, in the case de Ansu Fati made another argument. And it is that the 18-year-old forward has been complaining for a few weeks about discomfort in the pubis, which obviously could be aggravated in the case of playing with the subsidiary and participating in the final phase of the LaLiga 'play off'.

This argument was decisive for García Pimienta to slow down his momentum when asking the attacker. And it is that pubalgia is usually solved with rest and rest, apart from a treatment focused on the area of ​​pain, reason why obviously these days of rest are going to come to him to the thousand wonders to the player to arrive at the Champions in optimal conditions.

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In any case, from the club they follow with special attention the development of these annoyances in the pubis. And it is that until now the only problems he had had were in the patellar tendons –considered normal as it is in the growth phase-, but instead these discomforts in the pubis that have not just subsided, are more worrying, since they do not have a defined symptomatology.

In fact, Fati has been standing for a week after confinement, without the club communicating it, due to these problems in the pubis and not in the patellar tendon, as was speculated. These are problems that concern and especially concern doctors, especially due to the youth of the player and his way of playing, which requires short but intense efforts.