The Costa Rican corridor committed to Ineos after renewing with the Spanish team and took the case to the UCI, which asked that both parties agree.

Andrey Amador has managed to detach himself from the Movistar Team.
The Spanish team Movistar Team has announced the end of the conflict with its Costa Rican rider Andrey Amador, who had renewed with the Eusebio Unzue team, but later changed plans and wanted to break his contract to leave at Team Ineos of Egan Bernal, Chris Froome, Richard Carapaz and Geraint Thomas.
The brief statement of the Movistar Team reports “the resolution of the contract between both parties” and wishes Amador “all the luck in his sporting and personal future after 11 years full of common successes”. The communication ends with a “thank you for everything”.
Eusebio Unzue, who is on Tour Colombia, warned EL MUNDO that the resolution of the case was imminent, without specifying which side it would fall on, although it was quite clear that Andrey, with whom there has always been an excellent relationship, he will not be able to return to the team after his 'scared'.
The Movistar Team had announced in July the renovation of Andrey Amador, a runner forged in his quarry, the amateur LIzarte team, from which he went to the Unzue team 11 years ago. However, by the end of September, Amador had already reached an agreement with Team Ineos through his agent, Giuseppe Acquadro.
Team Ineos would have had to compensate the Spanish team after a long five-month battle, although the terms of the agreement have not been disclosed and include a confidentiality clause.
The operation was undoubtedly framed in the Amador wishes to change and start a new cycle in the most winning team, but also in the open war between Acquadro and Unzu, which have put an end to a collaboration of years. The runners belonging to the Italian clan have almost completely disappeared from the Movistar Team. Imanol Erviti remains, a veteran Navarrese and faithful who has not been seen in the commitment of 'or are with dad or mom', as happened in other cases.
The final end of the relationship between both parties coincided with the signing of Richard Carapaz by the same and millionaire team of the tycoon Jim Ratcliffe
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