It seems that she was not very aware of what was coming to her, but Alejandra Rubio She is learning from criticism that exclusives bring an economic benefit, but they also have another type of cost, and higher than she expected. This past Tuesday, recovered from COVID and reappearing after the interview with her boyfriend, Charles Costanzagave in It’s Friday!Terelu’s daughter put on a good show in This is life When she complained, she became haughty and ended up crying because of the criticism she is receiving after the exclusive about her pregnancy. An attitude that was discussed on the set of As if we werewhere they have given a good beating to the daughter of his former partner Save me.
The first one has been Bethlehem Esteban who, looking at the camera, said: “I never thought I would be able to say this, especially because it is Alejandra, because she is a first-timer, because she is very young, but “How ridiculous Alejandra is, you think you are Beyoncé in white and small. What a leading role, you are delighted”. Then, she said: “When I’ve done an exclusive I’ve been aware of what I’ve done,” and warned her: “I’ll tell you one thing: what we do here, although for you we are beasts, is what you do: your mother, your aunt and you. You, Alejandra, I wish you a phenomenal pregnancy, that you live it with excitement with your partner, you’re delighted, but this is going to go away. Remember what I told you.”
Later, it was Maria Patino the one who attacked: “What I perceive about what happened yesterday is that it is the first time that she does not control the situation, before she was perceiving everything from the sidelines: she spoke about her aunt, her boyfriend’s boyfriend, Bertín Osborne… and that did not touch her and she also said with all her shamelessness: ‘I don’t like this profession, I am here taking advantage of my time because they pay me money, but I do not depend on this’. She acts cool and cocky and the character has swallowed her because she is immature, And I think this is the first time she’s angry, pissed off at herself because she doesn’t accept the situation,” she complained.
It was then that Kiko Matamoros He took over and spoke at length: “What I saw yesterday, which I have seen on Twitter in installments, What this girl did on the program was a demonstration of arrogance, of bad manners, of haughtiness, of haughtiness… she gave the worst image I have seen her give in a very long time.” She also felt bad when he told Antonio Sánchez Casado that he had asked her a stupid question, “when Antonio has been in this profession for forty years and is a guy who has demonstrated his ability. And you (to Alejandra) who have never given an exclusive in your life or a headline worth mentioning, come to tell Antonio Sánchez Casado that he is stupid,” she reproached him.
But it didn’t stop there. Kiko continued attacking Terelu’s daughter by providing this information: “Look how bad Alejandra Rubio was yesterday, her reappearance on television after the appearance in Friday! of the father of her son and there was some expectation, and look how badly he did it that the program only made two tenths more than the day before, that is, You have to do it badly, really badly, to be the personality of the moment and for your program not to go beyond 8%“, he said before finishing off Alejandra with these words: “She’s not a woman who is hurt, she’s rude, she’s a conceited woman who thinks she’s the center of the world.”
Until Martha Riesco She dared to send a message to Carlo Costanzia’s girlfriend: “I’m going to paraphrase the great Terelu, who gave my mother some advice when I was in a rather complicated media situation. I remember that Terelu looking at the camera said: ‘The only thing I tell Marta Riesco’s mother is that she should take her daughter, rest a little and stop making a fool of herself because this will stay forever in Marta Riesco’s career. ” Now, Terelu, I’m going to tell you the same thing: you’ve all made a lot of money in the family, Alejandra already has a lot of money not only to spend on Las Rozas Village but to have a good start with the baby and I think that, Alejandra, you have to rest, you can’t be so exposed on television because you’re screwing up more and more.and having a great communications professional like Terelu, I don’t know why they aren’t giving you better advice and you look worse with every public appearance.”