When María Teresa Campos lost her temper with María Jiménez: “She called me like a lioness”

Spain has been in mourning since Tuesday, when the great Maria Teresa Campos He lost his life at the age of 82 after a year marked by his worsening health. This Thursday, the country has woken up with another sad news, that of the death at the age of 73 of Maria Jimenezone of the most outstanding figures of flamenco and the Spanish copla.

The first interviewed the second, who has died of lung cancer, in their different programs. She also interviewed her on What a happy time!the program that the Malaga-born communicator presented on the Telecinco screens between 2009 and 2017. In sad days like the ones we are experiencing these days, the moments that both shared on television are remembered with nostalgia on social networks.

In October 2020, María Jiménez confessed to Toñi Moreno in an interview: “María Teresa called me like a lioness at eleven in the morning and my sleep has changed and I had fallen asleep at nine. ‘Look, Teresa, what a I’m asleep’, I told her, and she continued: Edmundo is very angry with you!’, and I told her: Let me go!”, she confessed.

According to Jiménez, the journalist was upset by some statements by the Sevillian artist. Specifically, she called the Chilean humorist a “womanizer” in an interview.

The media, social networks and well-known faces mourn these days the death of two great figures. The remains of the Sevillian singer are being veiled in the funeral chapel that has been installed this Friday in the Seville City Hall. This Friday she will have a great funeral, with a horse-drawn carriage ride included in the Triana neighborhood. María Teresa, for her part, was cremated this Wednesday at the La Paz funeral home in Tren Cantos, Madrid. Her ashes will remain in the Malaga cemetery.