Valencia-Atalanta and Getafe-Inter, behind closed doors

The Minister of Health, Consumption and Social Welfare, Salvador Illaannounced this afternoon that All sports competitions involving massive influx of people from risk areas will be played behind closed doors: Northern Italy, South Korea, Japan, China, Iran or Singapore.

The Government has recommended (what will be followed by the autonomous communities and organizing bodies) that Valencia-Atalanta are held without a public (March 10), of Champions; the Getafe-Inter Milan (March 19), Europa League, and basketball games Valencia Basket-Armani Milan (March 5) of Euroleague and Girona-Venezia (March 19), from Eurocup female. The Barcelona-Naples In the Champions League in principle it will not be affected since the starting team is from southern Italy.

The president of the CSD, Irene Lozano, had already struck the opinion of the clubs during the day. Talked with Anil Murthy, president of Valencia, and he had indicated that they preferred not to attend Italian fans. In the first leg, there were several infections.

“It makes no sense that large groups of people come from places where these same sports competitions are restricted,” said Illa in his appearance.

In the morning, the director of the Center for Coordination of Health Alerts and Emergencies, Fernando Simon, already admitted that control measures could be established in massive sporting events to avoid the coronavirus expansion, of which 150 cases are already counted in Spain.

The Higher Sports Council maintains a “close contact” with Health, and a representative attends the coordination meetings in the ministry. First, he developed a list of events that could be affected, to prepare an appropriate response. Yesterday, meetings were called urgently to the main sports agents, which have taken place throughout the day.

During the morning, they passed the CSD LaLiga (which has already developed a plan to celebrate if necessary closed games), the Spanish Football Federation represented by Luis Rubiales, the ACB, the Basketball Federation, ADESP (Spanish Sports Association) and the Paralympic Committee. In the afternoon, all federations were summoned to a conclave in which health representatives were also present.

Federations heard that, for other events, they will act “surgically” and “case by case.” For example, this weekend the Duathlon European will be held without restrictions in Punta Umbría (Huelva) and Italian athletes will attend. “These cases can be held without having to be behind closed doors because you can identify and follow up all those who come, “said the Illa. But others like the Barcelona Marathon (March 15) are at serious risk.

According to meeting attendees, federative managers received “reassuring” information. The CSD has enabled two people (one of them Jennifer Pareja, advisor to President Irene Lozano) as direct contact and a mailbox to answer specific questions about the coronavirus and the organization of championships.