Tita Thyssen, happy for Ana Obregón: “We are friends but I have not advised her”

His was one of the most anticipated opinions on the news of the week: the new maternity of Ana Obregon for surrogacy. And it is that Tita Thyssen she used the same method to become the mother of her twins, Carmen and Sabina, in 2006. She was 63 years old. “What Ana has done seems great to me. I congratulate her and I want her to be very happy with her girl, I am very happy for her,” she said.

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The Baroness and the actress have been friends for years and it has been speculated that the former could have advised the latter in this new adventure: “She and I are friends, but I have not advised anyone. At the moment I have congratulated her and nothing else, we will talk long and hard.”

And it is that Tita and Ana not only have in common the fact of having been mothers thanks to surrogacy, but both (the first almost twenty years ago and the second these days) have been questioned about the paternity of their respective daughters, Well, there are those who affirm that Borja Thyssen was his mother’s donor, something that he denied. In the case of Ana, they point to her son Aless, who died in May 2020.

Tita has inaugurated this Friday her exclusive hotel on the Costa Brava, a project that has seen the light after years in which she has turned a disused family residence into an establishment open to the public. She has done it accompanied by one of her girls and has attended the press with a smile from ear to ear: “It was a house that I had many years ago and I couldn’t think of what to do with it and some friends advised me”.