“The top striker depends on money”

In England they are assuming that Erling Haaland will sign this week for the Manchester City. Xavi He did not want to elaborate specifically on his hiring by the team of Pep (“It’s not official. When it is, you ask me again”), but he did refer indirectly in the press conference prior to the game against Celta in it Camp Nou. “It is very difficult for us due to our economic situation. The situation is tough but it is our reality,” she reflected.

Xavi He answered the questions about the still Dortmund striker but without going into details about the contacts that the Barça club had. “I will not disrespect other projects. City has a tremendous background. If what you say happens, it will have been because of the financial issue, I have no doubt. I have been to Munich several times,” he said with a laugh.

The Terrassa coach did clarify that “it is important to strengthen each year, if you win, but more so if you lose.” And even more so if there are no titles involved. “Everything that comes will be welcome. The situation we have is what it is, we have to give outs too”, he commented, stressing that “it is one of the most difficult situations in the history of the club”. “We have to strengthen ourselves, it is evidence and everyone has seen it,” he insisted.

Xavi he plans to be “aware of everything and work and strengthen himself to be more competitive next year”. He has met with the sports management to make a diagnosis of what the squad needs. “From then on, what can be done will be done.”


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