Inma Cuesta, 42, announced her pregnancy at the beginning of 2023 and, since then, has boasted of her tummy on social networks on several occasions. The actress, who will give her eldest daughter a little brother or sister, is happy in this new stage of her life.
Read also – Inma Cuesta boasts of a pregnant belly to the rhythm of Rosalía: “I am very mine, I transform”
“Mami Chula”, has written the protagonist of the sleeping voice this Wednesday on their social networks. In the photo he is wearing a basic black t-shirt and jeans. In the post, she has a few words of gratitude for the photographer, Rubén Vega, and the make-up artist, Paula Soroa: “How lucky to have you around to always remember me like this, in the middle of the revolution.”

On the comment wall he received a barrage of compliments. “Precious”, Adriana Torrebejano has written to her. “Spectacular”, Miren Ibarguren has sent him. Silvia Abascal and the journalist Ana Bernal have also surprised her with affectionate hearts. “What a beauty”, “can she be more beautiful?” or “You cannot be more radiant, splendid, beautiful and sexy at the same time”, anonymous followers wrote.
Read also – Inma Cuesta announces that she is pregnant: a little brother or sister arrives for her first daughter
the protagonist of Red Eagle She is very reserved with her private life. She maintains the anonymity of her girlfriend, with whom she has a daughter, who was born before the pandemic. “To all the media that have reported the news assuring that it is my second pregnancy, I am sorry to correct you but it is the first time that I am pregnant. It would be good to check the information before inventing it. Thank you,” wrote the woman from Jaén on her networks after announcing her pregnancy . She clarified that it is the second time that she will become a mother, but the first time she is pregnant.