The Luxembourg Judicial Police seizes all documents attributable to the sale of Milan


The Judicial Police of Luxembourg has searched this Friday the offices of Project Redblack, one of the business conglomerates that controls AC Milan, to seize all the documents attributable to the sale of the ‘rossonero’ club by the Elliott investment group to the US fund RedBird, signed on August 31, 2022 at a rate of 1,200 million euros.

The Italian newspaper ‘Corriere della Sera’ has reported the searches and seizures in that Luxembourg ‘holding’ Elliott, after the Grand Duchy Police had appeared in the morning with an order from Judge Claude Pascal at the request of the Prosecutor of Milan.

“Three directors of the company are accused of the crimes of abuse of social assets and fraudulent bankruptcy: they are the manager of Elliott, Jean-Marc McLean, and the local professionals Daniela Italia and Victor Schuh,” said ‘Corriere della Sera’.

“Until now it was known that the hypotheses of the crime at the center of the investigations were embezzlement and obstruction of Justice,” the Italian newspaper added. The investigation was born from a complaint by Blue Skye, a minority shareholder group (4.3%) and which is headed by Salvatore Cerchione and Gianluca D’Avanzo.