State trip of Felipe VI and Letizia to Denmark. First night of the journey and first gala dinner. It was at Christianborg Palace. Beyond the toast, the duel of tiaras and the wonderful and classic navy blue dress by Felipe Varela that Queen Letizia chose, beyond the still photograph of the two Royal Houses, there were anecdotes. Like the menu, the event playlist and the protocol. There were also mentions of Leonor and Christian, heirs who have turned 18 years old. They are the princes of generation Z. Photo credit: Casa Real.
Prior to the gala dinner at the palace, the welcome reception took place: Queen Margaret, 83, who was seated in a chair, opened the greeting line. Next to her, Felipe VI stood to her right. There was a faint. A royal guard, who was wearing the gala uniform, suffered from lipothymia, as reported Hola.
The dinner protocol marked the presidential table with the Danish queen in the center. To her right, again, the King of Spain; and to the right of this, Mary Donaldson. To the left of Margarita, Doña Letizia and Prince Federico. They toasted. Three large floral centrepieces, with chrysanthemums and carnations, added color to a table that shone thanks to the splendorous jewels of its guests. Letizia wore the Fleur de Lis tiara, a wonderful piece by Ansorena. The best thing about her dress, the neckline that left her shoulders and collarbones visible in perfect definition. Dress recycling option, winning option. An example of three Rs dress: reduce, reuse and recycle. The Queen competed in a tiara with Margaret, whose jewel, with emeralds and diamonds, dates back to 1840. The Danish sovereign adorned her outfit with a necklace also made of emeralds, matching her bottle green design.

During the speeches, Felipe VI pointed out two names: Prince Christian of Denmark and Princess Eleanor, “a reason for shared joy”, since both heirs have just turned 18 years old. “They are the new generation which represents the continuity in the commitment of both parliamentary monarchies, respectively, with their nation, their people and their democracy, within the European Union,” said the monarch. He also underlined the cultural connections between both countries, in the fields of literature and philosophy, which he glossed with mentions of Miguel de Cervantes, Kierkegaard and Miguel de Unamuno. He also cited Hans Christian Andersen, author of children’s classics The little Mermaid y The ugly Duckling.

And dinner arrived. As we have published, sole soufflé with vegetables, fallow deer leg from Trend (a region in which the Danish Royal Family has a hunting lodge), which was accompanied by cabbage timbale and Graasten cherries; mushroom pie with watercress and Concorde pie. As for the event’s playlist, in addition to the Royal Life Guards band, music with a Spanish accent was played, such as the pasodoble Amparito Roca by Jaime Texidor and The reliquaryby José Padilla.