It has been the last straw. The images on networks Victoria Federica sunbathing on the beaches of Mexico and those words of “wasting time in the Caribbean” (“wasting time”) the Infanta Elena would not have liked anything. They are quite a statement of intent. While Vic stomach in the hammock facing the turquoise waters of Isla Mujeres, her mother flew to the United Arab Emirates to see Don Juan Carlos already froilan. Your Mexican getaway in the middle of Holy Week is the ultimate of the living room Victoria, who instead of going to visit her grandfather and focus on her studies, has turned to her instagramer profile, her sponsored trips and parties, and her modeling career. In other words, a manual influencer.
The image of the three Bourbon generations, grandfather, daughter and grandson, in Abu Dhabi, without Vic was striking. The it royal She made Easter plans on her own, apart from her family, and headed to the Caribbean with her friend Rocío Laffón.

Upon her arrival in Madrid, she put on her headphones so as not to answer questions from the press who were waiting for her at the Barajas airport. Her complicit smile was proof of this rebuff.

Vic’s continued exposure to networks, sharing enjoyable plans, is a cause for concern for her mother, who does not want her daughter to lose focus from her studies. “Elena is very upset with the life her daughter leads and feels very lonely at home. They don’t make mother-daughter plans because she can leave the house on a Wednesday and not return until Sunday,” paparazzi Sergio Garrido commented in Fiesta (Telecinco). So much so, that the eldest daughter of the emeritus would have considered sending her to Abu Dhabi as Froilán, according to what she publishes The Digital Confidential. This option would mean a Bourbon meeting of grandchildren and grandfather. Elena’s children adore don Juan Carlos. However, this move by Vic would mean that the emeritus would be aware of her and Froilán. And the former head of state is 85 years old.
However, this is not the only destination that is on the horizon for Victoria. As we published, Los Angeles, the cradle of instagramers, or even London would also have been considered.