Representatives of athletes, among the sectors that most resort to arbitration at the beginning of 2024


The real estate and sports representation sectors are among the main ones that have resorted to arbitration to resolve conflicts at the beginning of 2024, according to the European Arbitration Association (AEA).

Arbitration is beginning to become widespread in Spain as the preferred dispute resolution formula to resolve conflicts in the workplace. Sport is not immune to this and the problems that arise between athletes and their representatives or poor representation of them are conflicts that usually end in arbitration for resolution, indicates the AEA.

This is demonstrated by the enormous growth, of 36 percent, in procedures opened by the AEA in these first months of the year. The AEA closed last year with 320 procedures and a growth of 5 percent, but these figures will be exceeded in 2024 after the data in the first quarter.

At the start of 2024, sports representation, along with real estate, is the sector that has resorted the most to arbitration to resolve its problems, and the average amount remains constant at 132,000 euros, after the entry into force of the new Regulation at the beginning of January that streamlines and facilitates regulations for companies.

For Pilar Pulido, general secretary of the AEA, an “enormous effort” has been made to apply the “purest logic and common sense” to resolve disputes in “very reasonable deadlines and more interesting costs” from the point of view. of quality and efficiency.

AEA’s strategy for 2024 also focuses on continuing to consolidate its Expert Referee Committees, which are among the most active and reputable nationally, as well as the high professional level and track record of success of its referees.