The eternal battle that they maintain Pepe Navarro e Yvonne Reyes in the courts it seems to have no end. Among all the fronts that have been open for years, the presenter of Tonight we cross the Mississippi He has emerged victorious from one of them.
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It must be remembered that the Venezuelan model filed a lawsuit against him in April of last year for some statements that he gave in the disappeared Live life.

After the Provincial Court of Madrid has ratified, in his favor, the sentence of the Court of Violence against Women number 1 of Madrid, the presenter has confessed in 20 minutes: “All this he is doing responds to a permanent persecution and harassment that has been going on for fourteen years. It seems to obey more an obsession than rational behavior.”
The facts claimed
Pepe Navarro, in an intervention in Live life On April 17, 2022, he charged Ivonne and Vanessa Martín, who accused him of mischief: “They are capable of anything to go on television and get paid. You have the nose, dear Ivonne Reyes. You are a scoundrel and you know it perfectly. You know perfectly well that the son is not mine. Say the name of the father. Dare to say the name of the father.” Reyes lamented, after declaring in court: “Insults, threats, injuries must be reported.”

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However, his disputes in the courts do not end here. To the judicial problems that drag on the paternity of Alejandro, on February 14 they have a court date for statements that the presenter made to a news agency. The Venezuelan also calls them insulting and assures that they violate her right to honor.