More than half of Spaniards are interested in the Games due to the influence of athletes on RRSS


Almost 7 out of 10 Spaniards affirm that athletes generate trust in them as brand and product prescribers, and more than half are interested in the Paris Olympic Games, according to a study by the online platform Miravia, specialized in fashion and beauty and e-commerce sponsor of Paris 2024.

Just over a month before the opening of the Paris Games, from July 26 to August 11, the study ‘The role of professional athletes as influencers and content creators’ has analyzed the ability of athletes to influence as content creators on social networks and among the younger generations.

In this sense, almost 7 out of 10 Spaniards affirm that athletes generate confidence in them as brand and product prescribers. By generational groups, the ‘zetas’ – those who are between 18 and 30 years old – are the ones who trust them the most (70%) and the ‘boomers’ – from 56 to 75 years old – the ones who trust them the least (even so, 56 % of them demonstrate a high degree of acceptance towards this group).

Millennials – between 31 and 43 – and ‘generation X’ – between 44 and 55 – occupy second and third place, with 67% and 61%, respectively. Regarding the main reasons why they follow athletes on social networks, Spaniards say that they are a source of inspiration and that they like to know more about their habits and lifestyle.

On the other hand, the study also reflects that the role of athletes as ‘influencers’ drives younger generations to become more interested in the Olympic Games: more than half of Spaniards (53%) consider that the role played by some athletes as content creators on networks has contributed to their greater interest in the Games, with generation Z being the most impacted (61%), followed by millennials (56%), gen X (45%) and boomers (40%). %).

In addition to demonstrating a high degree of trust in this group, more than 60% of those surveyed believe that they are effective as content creators and, more than half (58%), consider that brands should bet more on athletes to that represent them, with generation Z being the most effusive in this statement (64% of them).

The values ​​that athletes promote, such as self-improvement, resilience and effort, are the main reason (63%) why Spaniards believe that they should be promoted more as brand ambassadors.

For Spanish athlete Ana Peleteiro, recent European triple jump champion, being on social networks has become a “very important” facet of her professional and personal life. “At the end of the day, thanks to my presence on networks I can transmit everything that I feel is relevant to my community without limiting myself, whether in the sports, social, or fashion and beauty fields. It is a facet that you have to work and that it has become an important means of income for me,” he commented.

For his part, gymnast Ray Zapata, Olympic floor runner-up in Tokyo 2020, highlighted the value of social networks and sponsorships to be able to practice a discipline that he is passionate about.

“For me, my role as a professional athlete and content creator allows me to dedicate myself to my vocation. It is a way to connect with my followers and brands in the same space, and it is something that goes beyond sports,” Indian.


In their role as ‘influencers’ – inside and outside the sports field – the recommendations that professional athletes make impact electronic commerce activity. In this regard, the categories most influenced by these content creators, excluding the sports area, are well-being and nutrition ahead of fashion and beauty.

The study also reveals some general data on the behavior of Spaniards in electronic commerce and the influence of content creators on the users’ purchasing process.

When making purchases, Generation Z is the most impacted by the recommendations of content creators, with fashion being the category where they receive the most influence, followed by beauty and electronics.

According to another recent study carried out by Miravia, almost half of Spaniards say they have ever bought a product on the recommendation of influencers and 83% of Spaniards use social networks to search for fashion and trends.

The Miravia e-commerce platform is a sponsor of e-commerce services for the Paris 2024 Games as part of the Alibaba Group, top sponsor of the International Olympic Committee (IOC). In this context, it has launched the ‘With your head held high’ campaign, a symbol of the effort that is always associated with the practice of any sport and with the competition itself.

Among its ambassadors are athletes such as the soccer player Álvaro Morata; the athlete Ana Peleteiro; artistic swimmer Dennis González; the ‘breaking’ dancer Juan de la Torre; paddler Marcus Cooper; Paralympic athlete Gerard Descarrega; gymnast Ray Zapata; the kitesurfer Gisela Pulido; and the swimmer Hugo González.

“It is clear that the ability of athletes to influence transcends the sporting field. They have always occupied a relevant space in society due to the values ​​they embody and social networks have only enhanced this reach. This has led to consolidate even more as references, especially among the younger generations who look for models that inspire them to claim who they are and hold their heads high,” commented Franchesca Musacchio, SVP Marketing, PR and Partnership at Miravia.