This Tuesday, the Bilbao firm Sophie et Voilà has announced that it will no longer design the dress for the Marquise de Griñón after months of working hard on the idea. Through a statement, they have implied that Tamara Falco wanted to plagiarize the design of another haute couture firm, so they have decided to break all kinds of ties with it.
Isabel Preysler’s daughter, on the other hand, has denied her intentions of plagiarism in the greeting magazine: “I categorically deny that this is true. Let’s see… How am I going to ask them to do something like that if I am the first to dedicate myself fashionable (…) What I conveyed to them were my inspirations without the intention of them copying a design”.
Less than two months before her wedding to Inigo Onievathe daughter of Carlos Falcó has also given her version in the Susanna Griso program on Antena 3, where moments later Carmen Lomana He has drawn his own conclusions from what happened. “What could have happened, I know those of Sophie et Voilà and they are very educated… It has had to see a lot of scuffles and a lot of whimsy, they are very elegant, wonderful and educated designers”, explained the socialite from Galicia.

Lomana, who always likes Tamara and her mother, thinks the firm has made a very brave decision: “I think they’ve had enough, but imagine what it means to have enough and have dignity, although I don’t think it’s the wedding of the year, to say we don’t go ahead because it doesn’t go with our values”.
The statement was released by the haute couture firm to everyone’s surprise: “It is what I do not understand, but I believe that something must have happened. There are people who are capricious and believe that this will never happen. I think that it has been the consequence of being fed up and the consequence of a lack of respect. A joint statement would have been better, but what I am doubting is that Tamara did not know it. ”
In short, Carmen thinks that the firm has done very well by cutting its losses with Tamara: “I think they will have told her ‘We can’t go on like this, you can’t keep changing us all the time’. Maybe Tamara has changed her size, but that doesn’t matter… Yes, respect for a firm that has made a design just for you”, he has sentenced.
In Ana Rosa’s program They have commented that the firm already had “two practically finished ideas on the table” when Tamara showed her interest in creating another idea.

It is not the first setback that he has suffered before getting married. It must be remembered that in September of last year, after announcing the engagement on their social networks, the video of the Madrid businessman kissing another woman at a festival in Nevada came to light and the wedding, for two months, was on stand-by .
Lomana’s tumor
Lomana has also spoken about the emergency operation that he recently underwent in Vigo. They detected a tumor in his neck and fortunately they caught it in time. “I am in Galicia, I am recovering very well. The great joy, that in the analysis of the biopsy it has emerged that there were no malignant cells.”
Read also – They assure that Tamara Falcó “wanted to plagiarize a dress exhibited in NY”: “She treated her designers as neighborhood dressmakers”
In addition, he has taken the opportunity to send an important message about prevention: “I insist that people do not leave things as I did. I am very well and that is what is recorded.” He also had a few words of gratitude for the health personnel: “I want to thank all the people who have sent me messages and you who are so affectionate. The doctors have thanked me because there are people who are calling them because they have seen a lump. And only for that reason it is worth having said it”, he has sentenced.