Just a week after the celebration of the fifth birthday of Ana Sandrathe granddaughter of Ana Obregón, the presenter has published several snapshots on Monday in which she is seen very happy with the little girl in her arms while enjoying the last days of August in El Manantial, her large summer residence located on the island of Majorca, Balearic Islands.

The biologist, in addition to sharing the photographs, has added this text: “Life is difficult and hard, but with the beautiful moments I have learned that although the red tears dirty my face, they ended up cleaning my heart. As you said, Aless: Collect moments, don’t collect things because in the end it’s the only thing you take with you… and I will take infinite wonderful moments with you and your daughter”.
Of the pictures published on Ana Obregón’s Instagram profile, two different moments stand out. Some correspond to a pose of the actress with little Anita, both in summer and casual dresses, while in others you can see the mother of Alex Lequio give the baby a bottlein what would be their first summer together.

Very soon they will return to Madrid to face a new course that will surely come with new professional projects for Ana. Although for the woman from Madrid her role as a grandmother is essential at this time, she will most likely return to television as long as it is something that truly fill you up For now, the only thing that is certain is that his next television appearance will be in September in an interview program on Antena 3.