Juande Rivas, like the entire Málaga dressing room, is delighted with the climate that is generated in La Rosaleda in each game and the unconditional support of the stands. In an interview with LaLiga, the blue and white defender assures that “if this year you see people squeezing in the games we are having, that we are making a fort out of here, imagine in First against a team of these the stadium how it has to be, it falls”.
Despite being born in Córdoba, he confesses to being a Malaguista almost as a cradle: “Málaga is the team of my life, I have spent most of my life here. I arrived as a child, before Malaga I don’t have so many memories. Here I have everything, it is the club that has given me everything, it has given me the opportunity to be a footballerI will always be grateful and for me it is an illusion to be able to be here at the club that I have always wanted and that has given me everything ”.

His dream is to compete at the highest level: “I am a very demanding person with myself. The dream of every player is to be able to reach the First Division. If someday I get it with this club, even better. My dream is to play in the First Division, to reach the elite and that is why I am working every day “.
His jump to the blue and white first team came from the hand of Pellicer, who trusted him blindly from day one. Juande answered perfectly and earned his place: “Pellicer has been the coach who has practically made me a footballer. It has been the one I have been with the most years of my football career. I will always appreciate him giving me that opportunity and trusting me to be able to play. Partly thanks to him I am here. He trusted me in a difficult time. He made me debut on his debut. I always say that when opportunities come, there may be circumstances that facilitate them, but taking advantage of them is the most important thing. If they come to you and you don’t take advantage of them, it is useless if they give you that opportunity. It is very important that a series of situations arise in order to be able to play, but if you don’t take advantage of it, the above is useless ”.
In less than two years, Juande has even worn the Málaga bracelet. It was this season in the match against Fuenlabrada: “Many times I think ‘who was going to tell me a few years ago that I was going to wear the captain’s armband in the first team? I try to enjoy it to the fullest, take advantage of it and as I have already said, these are moments that are difficult to achieve and at the moment you may not realize it, but for me it is a pride and a satisfaction because I represent a great club, a great fans and a great city. It is a reward for the effort of all the years. “