Javi Martínez discards Athletic and goes to Qatar

Marcelino asked Moncayola and Javi Martínez or at least one of the two for the next season but he gives up. The first one renewed for Osasuna and wants to be the next Patxi Puñal in El Sadar. And the second, who had a red-and-white offer for two years, goes to Qatar.

Qatar SC has announced his signing with a video of the player in which he expresses his desire to see her soon to his next hobby. Athletic started a third approach attempt a couple of weeks ago. The previous one, in the summer market of 2020, was frustrated for economic reasons and not even the Basque entity came to speak with Bayern, to which the central-pivot belonged after nine years full of titles. Now, as a free player, the emoluments offered to the world champion by exotic destinations such as Qatar, Asia, Australia and the United States have not been reached either. “There has not been a decided bet”, they expose from their environment.

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Therefore, Marcelino sees it almost impossible to sign. You will only have five homegrown players as new faces for the start of the preseason: Agirrezabala, Artola, Williams, Serrano and Prados, more Petxarronan, the only signing, right back snatched from Real Sociedad.

Javi martinez, who is close to 33 years old, it does not close the door to a possible return to Bilbao. He has already warned the entity that he was asking for a clear effort to hire him. Ibaigane did not want to move his proposal and his great desire has escaped him.