Jaime Ostos' Picasso that fuels the war between the heirs: Jacobo says he does not exist but his father spoke about him

It has been two years since the bullfighter died but the war for his inheritance has only just begun. With four children from three different relationships and without a property inventory, Jaime and Gabriela (children of Consuelo Alcalá) throw darts against Jacob (son of Mari Ángeles Grajal, widow of the right-hander) for the belongings that, presumably, both he and his mother have been left without giving the option to distribute. The last one, a drawing that Picasso gave to the bullfighter in the 60s. The DJ assured a few days ago that no such drawing existed, but his father spoke about it shortly before he died: “They have offered me a million euros for it but I am not selling it because it is for my children.”

Some words he offered to the Latin newspaper The viewer, the same one that shows the images of the drawing and the painter's dedication: “Bulls are angels that carry horns.” Just a week ago, Jacobo Ostos assured on the Sonsoles program that it did not exist: “If my father had left a Picasso, I wouldn't be sitting here”. According to experts, it is an original drawing that, today, is valued at around 20,000 euros. “Picasso gave drawings to the bullfighters who came to Nimes. With a dedication it has a lower original value.”

The Picasso's whereabouts are unknown, since Gabriela, the person in charge of going to her father's house to collect his belongings after his death, did not see him anywhere: “They had emptied the house. I went with a truck to collect things but “I took a small table, a bust and little else. There was nothing,” he revealed. Her brother Jacobo, however, disagrees: “Everything was there and she took what she wanted.”

Furniture for sale

The situation worsens because Jacobo has also put up several of his father's furniture for sale. They are sets of sofas and armchairs that decorated the house in which Jaime, Mari Ángeles and her son lived and that now, once sold, have ended up in a second-hand portal.

Jaime, Gabriela and Gisela (the result of an affair between the bullfighter and Aurora Díaz) have hired a team of lawyers who are collecting all the necessary evidence to know what their father's assets were before he died. “Everything has been distributed without the permission of the heirs”they say.