Isabel Pantoja “could challenge” the marriage of Julián Muñoz and Mayte Zaldívar: “Scam”

The news surprised everyone and everyone when this weekend we learned that Julian Muñozin a very delicate state of health at 76 years old, and Mayte Zaldivar, 67, have gotten married. They did it on January 30 but it was not known until this Sunday, when they celebrated their union with a small group of close people.

Many suggested that the illness and dark prognosis of the former Marbella mayor led to his marriage to the mother of his daughters. However, the ‘bride’ herself denied it this Monday, revealing that the two talked about marriage three years ago: “There is no article mortis that is valid. It is not something from now, it is not a decision because he is very sick.”

However, the waters have not calmed down and there are those who still point to the true interests of the two to say “yes, I want” again. “People very close to the couple tell me that the reason they get married is to prevent Isabel Pantoja from claiming the widow’s pension because Julián and Isabel were a de facto couple and that is why the singer would have the right to claim that pension,” explained Luis Pliego, the director of Readingsthis Tuesday in TardeAR.

The journalist assured that the tonadillera and the former mayor of Marbella formalized their relationship while he was in prison for the Malaya Case: “They became a de facto couple so they could have those very famous vis-à-vis that they kept in jail because without them you can’t get in. Nobody found out”. In this sense, he added that folk music has the key to ruining the new marriage: “Isabel Pantoja could challenge this marriage if it was celebrated in violation of the law. If they were not a couple, she could say that everything is a scam. She could do it”.

Pliego also clarified: “The news is that I could do it. These sources tell me that they are not together and that Mayte is with Fernando and that she is not a partner of Julián Muñoz, so their marriage can be challenged.” He spoke about Fernando Marcos, with whom Zaldívar has had a relationship for two decades. In fact, not long ago they were seen sharing a table with Julián himself.

Julián Muñoz went to prison in 2006 for crimes of embezzlement and prevarication. During the time he was in prison, he accumulated different pathologies that led to a delicate state of health. He suffers from ischemic-hypertensive heart disease, combined with type 1 diabetes mellitus and a numerous condition, including arteriopathy. In the last two years in prison, he was forced to visit the hospital 29 times. The prison’s deputy medical director herself reported that Muñoz’s risk of death in the medium term (between one and five years) was greater than 50% despite the treatment. In 2021 he was granted parole due to a proven “incurable illness.”

It was then that, according to Mayte Zaldívar, they talked about a wedding, a decision that her then partner, Fernando Marcos, did not understand but did respect. In fact, Rappel, a friend of the couple, has revealed that they all live together in the same building and their relationship is close and daily.

Muñoz, who lives at his daughter Eloisa’s house where he receives all the care, requested voluntary discharge at the end of March after a few weeks admitted to the hospital. Days when he feared the worst for his life. Since then he has received outpatient treatment. On one of his walks, he confessed that he suffers from “galloping cancer.”
