He is happy and does not want to and cannot hide it. Inigo Onievaafter rehabilitating his life as it was before his party slip with another woman who was not his girlfriend was discovered, Tamara Falco, has been seen with a huge smile and has spoken more than at any other time. This has happened after appearing with his fiancée on the cover of the magazine Hola. The Marquise de Griñón has announced that her wedding will take place on June 17, as planned before her breakup, and that the celebration will be at the El Rincón palace. Her boyfriend, asked in the middle of the street, has acknowledged that she is “very happy and” going through a wonderful period “.
Read also– Tamara Falcó reconciled with Íñigo Onieva behind her family’s back: “I didn’t want talks or advice”
Íñigo has confessed that, although it is among his plans to start a family after his wedding, that of his paternity is an issue that they take calmly: “Piano, piano; step by step. We are very happy and thank you all very much,” he added to then leave the place on his motorcycle without advancing anything more about the link.

According to what was published this Wednesday, the wedding will be “not too big”, their closest family and friends will attend, and they still have many preparations to complete for that big day.
What has been revealed is that Íñigo declared himself to the daughter of Isabella Preysler and gave her a new engagement ring, just an improved version of the previous one and made with higher-class pieces, during her getaway to Finland at the beginning of January, days after their reconciliation in the form of a ‘Christmas miracle’ on the night of the end of year.

A marriage request about which the businessman prefers to keep the mystery: “There has been, there has been, but I have already said everything I had to say”, he has kindly settled, without describing a single detail of what the jewel with which he is who knelt before Tamara at the North Pole to declare himself.