Herrera, again with Mexico and waiting for the Gold Cup list

Strange vacations he's having Hector Herrera, footballer of the
Atlético de Madrid
. Since the Mexican was part of the team that won the title of The league a month ago, he hasn't had much rest.

As soon as the season ended, he joined the Mexican national team, with whom he was until June 11, since then he did have some days off but now he has had to rejoin the 'Tricolor’For the dispute of several more friendlies.

The mattress appears in the list published by the Mexican soccer team that will face in friendly matches to Panama, June 30, and Nigeria, on July 3, in USA.

The Argentinian Gerardo ‘Tata’ Martino, selector of Mexico, chose 45 soccer players to face the duels against Panamanians and Nigerians, which will serve the Tri in preparation for the gold Cup, in which it will debut on July 10.


“Prepared for what is coming,” wrote the mattress about this new stage with his country. The player is waiting to know if he has to play this competition, which will be played between July 2 and August 1.

If finally elected, he would have to join the concentration at the end of June and would not be with Simeone in the preseason. Unlike the JJ.OO., that the Mexican federation requested Atlético's presence -without success-, in this case it would be a date FIFA with what the Athletic would be obliged to yield to the player if Mexico claimed it. Unless the footballer himself talks to his federation and finally asks not to be included in said payroll, which does not seem, he may end up losing a large part of the preseason. The list will be released at the end of this month.