Her friends, very worried, beg Kiko Rivera to visit her

The situation is complicated for the singer, who has had to stop her musical tour due to a health problem that has worsened in recent weeks. Last week, in fact, she was admitted to the emergency room at the Reina Sofía hospital in Córdoba. After carrying out some tests, they decided to discharge her with a prescription for absolute rest while they study the next steps, which will force her to undergo surgery: “The situation is very delicate, it is a very serious problem”they say.

So delicate is it that the environment of Isabel Pantoja has contacted his children to inform them of the situation: “They are aware of everything”they say on Sonsoles’ program. “They have asked Kiko Rivera to go and visit her, because they believe that a rapprochement could benefit Isabel so that she can have a more positive evolution, but he has refused for the moment”they have revealed.

Isabel is resting in Cantora, surrounded by her most intimate circle, which includes, of course, her brother Agustín. However, the absences weigh heavily: “Mariló de la Rubia is informed of everything but has not gone to visit her and Isabel considers that she has left her in the lurch at this time”they say in TardeAR.

“The issue is very serious and now her health is her priority,” they say. “What she has requires her to go to the hospital every so often.” Despite the concern about the current situation Isabel is going through, her followers can rest easy: “The tour is not cancelled. She will have to rest for the whole month of July but her return to the stage is planned for August 3 in Castellón, where all tickets are sold out.”

“She is a champion”

This Sunday, the panelists of Fiesta They revealed some information that set off alarm bells: “A lot of strength to face what is coming and, I add one thing, she is being very strong. And we must value even more what she has been doing until now. A champion,” said Emma García after being informed, live, of the health problem Isabel Pantoja is suffering from: “I got goosebumps. We’ll never say it, but I had never imagined this reason either.” Marisa Martin Blazquez added: “We did not want to reveal it because it is so serious and because it is a private matter.”
