Two days to see the princes of Wales in the royal procession that will take them from Buckingham to Westminster Abbey. Before that palatial and pompous image, marked by the script of the coronation of Charles III, Guillermo y Kate Middleton They have taken the subway. They have gotten on the Elizabeth Line, known as the Super Tube, one of the most modern in the City, and they have headed to Soho to go out for a beer. A whole social bathroom for the heirs, who want to send a triple message of closeness, simplicity and proximity.
With a passionate red coat-dress, very smiling, Kate has traveled on the London Underground with her husband, Guillermo. They have taken for the first time (that we know of) the aforementioned Elizabeth Line and got off at Tottenham Court Road.

During the journey, the heirs have chatted with travelers about the logistics and the great preparations for the monarch’s coronation. Once they have left the station, they have walked through the streets of Soho and have approached the Dog and Duck pub to have a classic pint.