Gómez responds to Canale 5: “I have not destroyed the award”

Alejandro Gomez still living days of tension. His fight with coach Gasperini It seems to have definitively separated him from Atalanta, which this Sunday thrashed Roma despite his absence (the technician left him out of the summoned).


This morning Striscia la Notizia, famous program of Channel 5, tried to hand over the Tapiro d'Oro, award that for 24 years they receive characters from entertainment, politics and sports protagonists of scandals.

The Argentine, however, did not take anything well the visit of journalist Valerio Staffelli: He did not answer his questions and rejected the award, which was left in his car. The forward, according to the statement published by the program, while the envoys left the sports city of the Dea, he threw the award at them, smashing it.

Later, however, the Papuan He gave his version of events, different from that, with a story posted on his Instagram profile: “I have never thrown an object towards the program envoyI just chose, and it was my right, not to receive anything and not answer questions, respecting those who were doing their job. “

The case confirms the difficult moment of the player, who he was always ironic and joking. Except for surprises, after six and a half seasons, Gómez will leave the Bergamo club in January: Inter, Milan and Roma, according to the latest rumors, could offer you a new adventure soon.