Fayna Bethencourt reacts to the arrest of Carlos ‘El Yoyas’: “I’m shaking”

Fayna Bethencourt breathes calmly. After remaining missing for 19 months, the Police have arrested Carlos ‘El Yoyas’ in l’Anoia (Barcelona). He had been on the run from justice for more than 365 days despite the firm sentence of 5 years and 8 months in prison for a continuous crime of mistreatment of the former contestant of Big Brother 2 and his two children.

“My enormous joy at hearing news that I had been waiting for for two years. They have finally stopped him. It was time. Knowing that I was free created a feeling of absolute insecurity in me. Right now I’m with my family and I’m going to disconnect because they don’t stop calling me on the phone. We will talk more calmly, but I feel very happy. “They caught him!” the Canary Islander explained to The reason. He had been insisting for months on the vulnerable situation in which he found himself and, now, he declares himself “in shock.” “I’m shaking,” she has reported to Outdoor.

The face of GH He was afraid that his ex would reappear at any moment. “My fear that this man could appear here and do us more harm than he has already done to me and my children. It is a feeling of anguish and insecurity. I don’t understand why he is still free, if the area where he is is known…”, he commented in a recent interview. After learning of El Yoyas’ escape, he went to the Ombudsman and later submitted his complaint in writing to the Ministry of the Interior. “I do it for all those women who are where I was,” she added at the time.

Carlos Navarro, arrested in Barcelona

In recent months‘El Yoyas’ had not only managed to evade Justice but had given several interviews. He had been avoiding the siege to which he was being subjected for a year and seven months, even laughing at the supposed inability of the Law Enforcement Forces to find him. But the National Police arrested him this Wednesday, around 6:00 a.m., in l’Anoia (Barcelona). He was in La Torre de Claramunt.

Navarro was sentenced to five years and eight months in prison for continuously mistreating his ex-wife.whom he met in 2001 in GH and whom he later married. He was also convicted of mistreating the two children they have together. The operation to arrest him has been directed by the Fugitive Location section of the National Police and has had the collaboration of the Mossos d’Esquadra. The arrest warrant issued against Navarro is for the crimes of violence in the family, threats and mistreatment, according to police sources.

23 years ago, ‘El Yoyas’ was already expelled by the organization of GH as a consequence of his violent behavior towards Bethencourt and another classmate, a few days after starting the program. The sentence that declared him guilty has been final since April 2022, but instead of serving the sentence, the abuser decided to flee to avoid going to prison. Against ‘El Yoyas’ The testimony of their children, minors, who testified about the scenes of violence, also weighed heavily..
