Echenique’s past: he was affiliated with Citizens and supported the US in the Iraq War

Echenique, in the last Citizen Council of Podemos. Image: EFE

Now that Pablo Echenique has made a qualitative leap into Podemos by being appointed Secretary of Organization after being relegated to 'first sword' of the party in Aragon, many have wanted to dive into his past and rescue the era in which he sympathized with his great today rival, citizens.

Far from hiding it, it was Echenique himself who, in a radio interview granted last week, recalled how one day he voted for the 'orange' party. However, rescuing a 'post' of his from 2013, it is discovered that the now 'number three' of Podemos not only voted for those of Albert Rivera, but also became affiliated with the party.

In this public letter from Echenique, progressively forgotten and now rescued, the charismatic leader of Podemos recognized even having gone through a “neoliberal” stage prior to his landing in Citizens: “And yet, a few days ago, a friend reminded me that I Not only did I vote for Citizens, but I was affiliated with that party a few years ago, and he proposed to write a post about “not what someone is wrong, but what you were wrong about.” My friend has known me for a long time and knows that I used to be neoliberal (in my Citizens stage I was already moderating). “

In this 'post', Echenique also reveals that he even came to defend the role of the US in the controversial Iraq War in 2003, a phenomenon so answered by the Spanish left: “It seemed appropriate for the US to invade Iraq, I thought that” freedom “He was above all, and he believed in all those slogans that capitalist advisors whispered to ZP in his ear.”

The references against the former president of the Government José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, now defended in certain terms by some names of Podemos as opposed to other socialists such as Felipe González, Susana Díaz or Pedro Sánchez himself, were also a constant in Echenique's ideology: ” Even the most idealistic politicians, such as our now longed for Bambi ZP, tend to succumb to the wishes of the lords of the top hat for a fairly simple reason (…) ZP, although he smoked parsley and believed in love, he didn't have Ada Colau advising him, he had Pedro Solbes. “

In the same writing, Echenique recognizes what it is hard for him to be reflected in those ideas that he defended: “It is hard for me to imagine myself thinking that, but it is a fact. I thought so.” Something that led him to ask himself the following questions in the months prior to the birth of Podemos: “Of more complex digestion than the facts are the explanations: How could I think that?”