Dani Alves He has served a week in prison and this Friday he received a visit from his new lawyer, Christopher Martellin the Brians 2 prison. According to the lawyer, the former Pumas player is “serene, calm and with a solid and linear speech” about what happened with the young complainant at the Sutton nightclub in Barcelona on December 30 , as reported Nius.
Also read: Dani Alves in jail: the weekly allowance they give him as a prisoner has been spent on this
Regarding the contradictions in Alves’ versions, Martell explained that he lied “to protect his family” and because of a great “fear of revealing in public that he had been unfaithful to his wife.” In his first statement, Alves said that he did not know the girl who accused him of sexually assaulting him, and later that the relationships had been “consensual.”
The athlete and his defense are changing their strategy to get him out of prison provisionally and will present an appeal this Monday. They consider that “there is no risk of flight in someone who voluntarily appeared from Mexico.” Alves would accept the withdrawal of his passport and the possibility of appearing every 15 days in court as a precautionary measure. “The resolution of the appeal is somewhat fast, about 20 days. It depends on the agility of the court,” has qualified Martell, who has also legally advised other celebrities such as Lionel Messi.
Meanwhile, Dani’s wife, Joana Sanzhas archived on Instagram the photos she had with her husband. A gesture that has been interpreted by Internet users as “turning your back”. However, the mother of the ex culé, Lucyand his other son, Ney, They are in Barcelona to offer his support, although he “doesn’t want to see them because he’s embarrassed that they see him like that”.