Qatar can open the door of Atleti to Sterling. The need for minutes in a World Cup played between November and December that splits the leagues in Europe in two forces footballers to think about their destinations this summer. The salary, the status will no longer be as important, yes, it always is, but not as important as playing, competing, having minutes, being available to the coaches for when everything stops and the ball starts rolling in Qatar. The Daily Mail publishes that the rojiblanco club entered the bid for Sterling.

Winger or midfielder, Guardiola has used him as a false ‘9’ this season at Manchester City. And Atlético is looking for a ‘9’ after Suárez’s departure. Cunha will take on more responsibilitieshas earned them with his performance on the pitch, but signing the striker is a priority for the rojiblanco club this summer.
Plazas for extra-community
The Daily Mail points out that the 27-year-old footballer is not happy with Guardiola and the minutes he plays and, furthermore, in 22-23 the competition will be even greater: Haaland is there. And, remember, there is Qatar, which could cause him to leave. Atleti is on the prowl, although one drawback is that it occupies a non-community place, a quota already covered with Felipe, Cunha and Lodi, in addition to Samuel Lino, already signed. His high economic expectations, he charges 16 million, would be another drawback if Sterling ends up signing for the rojiblanco team.