Concern for Teresa Campos after her absence in her beloved Holy Week in Malaga: Terelu, “very sad without her”

Terelu Campos leans on the head of her daughter, Alejandra. Together, from a balcony in the city of Malaga, they admire the procession of Cristo Cautivo (photo above). It is this year’s image of the Campos family, with the absence of the matriarch, Teresa, who has stayed in her house in Madrid, where she receives all the care that her health requires of her.

Excited, Terelu writes: “With the love of my life seeing the Captive over the bridge of dawn. She is not here this year, but we are in her name to thank her for giving us Health (with a capital letter) to be able to see him in procession and to pray to him to take care of her every day”. The presenter concludes her text: “Different Holy Week, but also very sad without it.” And she says goodbye with a crying emoji and a broken heart.

Carmen Borrego pointed out that they miss Teresa, “but we do not believe that she is not here because as long as my mother is there, we are happy. She is fine, she is where she has to be, at home, resting and disconnected.”

Concern about the health of the 81-year-old presenter grew after the lines that Terelu published on his blog Lectures: “When the pillar of your life is not going through the best moment, that also drags you down. In the end, you only wish the greatest well-being and happiness to the most important person in your life together with my daughter. (…) Holy Week is approaching and I know that I am going to experience it with great sadness, because nothing is the same anymore nor will it ever be again”.