Chelsea will not train at the Santiago Bernabéu

The London team will train at its facilities


Real Madrid receives Chelsea

Mike Hewitt / Getty

The Chelsea He plans to exercise on Monday morning in his sports city. It will be there where both the technician Thomas Tuchel as the player he determines he must attend to the media. In fact, it will not be until mid-afternoon when Chelsea lands in the Spanish capital. The flight is scheduled to arrive around seven in the evening.

Neither is Real Madrid expected to train at the Santiago Bernabéu. those of Carlo Ancelotti sThey will train at 11:00 in the morning at the Ciudad Deportiva and it will be later when the Italian coach addresses the media.

And from there until the time of the match scheduled for Tuesday at 9:00 p.m. and where Real Madrid arrives with the 3-1 advantage of the first leg. As soon as the match is over, Chelsea will take a flight back to London where they plan to land around one in the morning (local time) on Wednesday 13 April. By then we will know which of the two teams will be in the semifinals of the Champions League waiting to find out their rival. If it were Chelsea, they could repeat last year’s tie against Atlético de Madrid in the Champions League and even the last final with Manchester City in Porto. If it were Real Madrid, we could attend a new Madrid derby with the repeat of the Lisbon and Milan finals, or a duel against Pep Guardiola.

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