At the announcement of the removal of Albert Celades it was followed barely an hour after the resignation of César Sánchez as sports director of the Valencia when a few days ago he had served five months in office.
The exporter had had to meet in the morning with the staff to convey that the coach would sit on the bench before the Athletic, a decision that he later rectified Peter Lim since Singapore with the cessation of the one who had been his companion in the locker room of the Real Madrid. Cease He arrived at the club in January and leaves after completing a single operation: the arrival on loan of Florenzi.
His time at the entity will not be remembered for his signings and neither will he be remembered for his statements, as he did not get to be publicly presented nor has he made any public statements at this time.
Cease what like Celades He arrived in office without previous experience and was already preparing the squad for next season, although there is no record that he had yet closed any movement.