Dani Alves will remain in prison: the judge dismisses the probation after the footballer’s voluntary declaration

The footballer has burned the penultimate cartridge to get out of prison. After requesting a voluntary statement in court, which took place on April 17, and finally admitting that there was sexual intercourse with penetration at the Sutton nightclub in Barcelona, ​​the judge in the case has dismissed the request for provisional release. The Investigating … Read more

The enormous anger of Andrea Janeiro with Belén Esteban to stop messing with her father and sister

It is thousands of kilometers away, on the west coast of the United States, but Andreíta receives all the news regarding her family. Thus, she learned of her mother’s furious attack, bethlehem estebanagainst his father, Jesulín, and his negative hints towards his sister Julia. He doesn’t want the town’s princess to hinder her rapprochement with … Read more

Carmen Borrego tells the truth about María Teresa Campos’ illness: “There will come a day when she does not recognize us. Everything is going very fast”

The last Mother’s Day has been especially hard for Have him and his sister then his, Maria Teresa CamposIt is in a very delicate moment. The sisters have maintained an extraordinary zeal in recent months about the state of health of the 81-year-old presenter, but this Tuesday carmen borrego has shed light on the shadows: … Read more