Daniel Sancho’s Thai lawyer speaks: “He knows what he did, he wants to plan his life in prison”

This Tuesday, August 8, the reactions to the provisional detention of daniel sanchoconfessed author of the murder of the Colombian surgeon Edwin Arrieta 44 years old in Thailand. Rodrigo Sancho, his uncle, has spoken about it and, from the Asian country, his lawyer has spoken, Khun Anan. “I think he is relaxed. He knows what … Read more

Edwin’s sister, in tears, reveals new details of the case: “We did not know of the existence of Daniel Sancho”

Darling she has run as the spokesperson for the Arrieta family to defend her brother’s honor Edwin, allegedly murdered by the son of actor Rodolfo Sancho. The Thai police affirm that it is a crime of passion because, according to Daniel’s statement, Edwin wanted to have sexual relations to which he refused. He assures that … Read more

Antonio Rossi marries his twenty-something boyfriend after two years of relationship: “Yes, I want to”

Antonio Rossi y Hugo Fuertes They will put the finishing touch to their relationship after two years of love. On August 16, 2024, the 43-year-old journalist and the 25-year-old model will marry, as has been reported Week and has confirmed Fuertes on his Instagram profile with a “yes, I want to”. Their romance became known … Read more

Daniel Sancho’s uncle speaks after his nephew’s imprisonment: “I cleaned that child’s c… when he was a baby”

one of the brothers Rodolfo Sancho, Rodrigohas spoken this Tuesday, August 8 after the entry into provisional prison of his nephew daniel sancho. The 29-year-old chef has confessed to being the author of the murder and dismemberment of the Colombian surgeon Edwin Arrieta44 years old, in Thailand. “It’s complicated and it seems like a nightmare … Read more

Pedroche responds to Lucía Etxebarria’s attack for showing off her postpartum physique: “Don’t make me feel like a bad mother”

Cristina Pedroche It has been a trend on social networks since this weekend for an image in which it boasts of express postpartum recovery. The presenter of Password she became the mother of a girl less than a month ago, on July 14. After the numerous criticisms received, the woman of Dabiz Muñoz shared a … Read more

Princess Leonor is already on private vacation: this is how she recharges batteries for her new military stage in Zaragoza

Countdown to the princess Leonor. the king’s daughter Felipe IV and the queen Joy She will begin her training at the General Military Academy of Zaragoza on August 17, but before that, the heir to the throne enjoys, as every year, a week of private vacations with her family. The days off for the royal … Read more

Olona’s warning to Vox after the departure of Espinosa de los Monteros: “Remember it when you are uncorking the bottle”

The political news of the day is the departure of Ivan Espinosa de los Monteros of Vox. In the Assembly of Madrid, for the moment, his wife remains, Dew Monastery. Macarena Peopleformer deputy of the formation, posted a tweet on Monday in defense of his former partner. “Today I will only say something. I will … Read more

Sonsoles Ónega, after the “monumental mess” that has been set up against Pedroche: “I like that there are aunts like her”

Sonsoles Onega has spoken about one of the controversies of recent days, that of Cristina Pedroche and her postpartum message. It must be remembered that the presenter of Password and the Campanadas of Antena 3, who gave birth to little Laia last Friday, July 14, posted some images in a bikini this weekend to show … Read more

The alarming situation of the Telecinco hearings already touches the pocket of the Berlusconi

The Telecinco audience debacle does not seem to hit the ground. This Monday, the main Mediaset chain did not exceed 4% in prime time with the collapse of the series Better dayscon Blanca Portillo y Martha Hazasvery badly programmed against the intractable Grand Prize of Ramon Garcia in La 1 (20.6%) or Siblingswhich resists against … Read more