Ángela Molina boasts of daughters: she poses with Olivia and María, who opens before the cameras at the age of 19

Angela Molina has introduced his youngest daughter, Maria Isabelan attractive 19-year-old girl who has captured all eyes at the presentation of the new campaign for the brand Hoss Intropia together with her mother and older sister, Olivia. Ángela, who is one of the most beloved actresses in our country and more beautiful than ever at 67 years of age, acts as an exceptional model as an ambassador for the brand with two of her daughters, with whom she coincides for the first time in the same project and with which he has exuded closeness and complicity in the presentation of the new collection of the fashion brand in Madrid.

For the veteran Goya-winning actress, it was a very special act, since it meant the debut before the cameras of her youngest, María, who has inherited the artistic talent of her popular clan, both from her grandfather, the unforgettable Antonio Molinafrom his mother, his uncles Miguel y Monica Molinaor her sister Olivia, and who takes her first steps in show business.

María Isabel is the youngest of Ángela’s five children, the result of her second marriage to Leo Blakstad. She was born on April 7, 2003 in Ibiza, when the actress had turned 47 years old. Thus, the young woman has been with her sister Olivia for 23 years, so her relationship has always been very special.

Read also- Ángela Molina receives the Goya de Honor 2021: two great loves, five children and an icon of naturalness

Ángela was full of motherly pride on all four sides. “The truth is that it is impossible, because it is already known that children are adored. The three of us are very different and I love that because we give each other a lot of cane”, has recognized the artist, happy for this very special premiere of her youngest in front of the cameras. “María is in her element, she is super happy, celebrating everyone’s company and also that it is a job for her. It suits her well, and she is happy. The truth is that everything has arisen in a very easy, very simple way and she is everything being very nice.”

María is pretty, blonde, has a pretty smile and a face that oozes sympathy. Her mother has explained that at the moment she does not want to dedicate herself to anything, but that there is no stopping her. Next year she begins to study Cinematography at the university, “we’ll see where it comes out, but I think it’s more on your side of the camera than on this one, because she likes to write a lot and she also likes artistic direction”, Ángela has presumed, without ruling out that in the future her daughter will direct her in a film. “She would enjoy it infinitely. It would be great,” she assured.

Antonio Molina’s daughter assures that it is not necessary to balance because “I am still very rebellious”, and she has defined the moment she is living as “very excited to enjoy”: “I feel very grateful, I have a lot of work, different projects and So, as always, I am immersed in a world of study and responsibility that keeps me busy all the time, I enjoy any moment,” she said with her two daughters.

Among the moments of enjoyment are those she spends with her grandchildren: “I am very passionate with my grandchildren. Yesterday Olivia’s elders were having a snack at home and I have a great time with them, as they respond to everything you give them with a purity, a generosity and a spontaneity that can do with me. In other words, I enjoy it. They leave and I am left with a stunned joy and I say; God, how they are! I love them”, he has described with the passion that characterizes him.

Humble, Ángela flees from compliments when she hears that she is spectacular and, as she explains, “I am getting older every day a little more, I see it in the mirror and I cannot deny it. But playing roles of getting older and I hope I will be there for many years , because life is a fantastic miracle to share it among all and to be aware of it. I feel that I have a few more years than I have because I have lived very intensely. I have given you many lives. So I am old, but I love it”, He has stated with conviction and the charm that he always exudes.

Ángela is not one of those who likes to talk about her projects, but she has recognized that she is filming a fantastic series called Fine arts“a spectacular, very interesting critique of art and the world of art. And there are projects until Christmas, so I would tell you one by one, but you have to be cautious,” he said with some restraint.

Colleague by profession and friend of shell velascoÁngela wanted to send her a message of encouragement in these delicate moments in which there is concern about her state of health: “I know that she is delicate. I am, as you can imagine, with all my heart close to her so that she can cope with this moment in his life in the best way and with happiness if possible”.

Olivia, a great reference as a sister

Olivia Molina also boasted as much as she could of her mother and little sister: “It is her first time, but a beautiful opportunity, because she is accompanied by her mother and me, who are supporting her from love. It has been her decision, personal , she has decided it. She feels ready and she likes it “.

For the actress, the relationship with her little sister “is very special.” “I am 23 years older than her and we have practically grown together, at the same time. She is my sister and a bit of a daughter, too, I adore her. It gives me great joy, she is a girl with a lot of curiosity. We enjoy ourselves a lot,” she assured very proud of Maria

As for her, about to start a new shoot in Barcelona and combining her acting career with raising her two children, she has confessed that “balancing is very complicated.” At her mother’s side, she listens with humility that she is her successor because of her talent and her beauty: “Each one has its place and its place and I am grateful for the legacy, the baggage and the learning of life that comes from her, and I also value mine and adding my personal conquests, my decisions and my life”.

When asked if he would like his children, the result of his relationship with Sergio Murfollow in his footsteps in the world of acting and give continuity to his famous saga, Olivia responds with a smile: “Children are quite free and we try not to influence their decisions too much, leaving them their space so that they can choose what they want and that try, that they feel free to be whoever they want to be”.