Ana Rosa Quintana and Alaska, Madrid Medals of Honor, “for defending freedom of expression”

The mayor of Madrid, Jose Luis Martinez-Almeidaannounced this Thursday, March 30, that Ana Rosa Quintana y Oblivion Gara Alaska will be distinguished with this year’s San Isidro Medals. Almeida has expressed, via Twitter, his admiration for the new deserving of the distinction.

The words chosen by the mayor have been: “The people of Madrid will award their Medal of Honor to two women who defend freedom of expression and of the press on a daily basis against censorship currents that have nothing to do with Madrid society. Congratulations Ana Rosa Quintana and Alaska”.

The former mayor of the capital will also be distinguished Melchor Rodriguez Garciacalled the red angel, “for his humanitarian work”; the writer and playwright Juan Mayorga, Princess of Asturias Award for Literature 2022; bullfighter the july; The designer Agatha Ruiz de la Prada; the former bailaora and businesswoman White of the King; and the Casa del Libro, which this year celebrates its centenary.