Alejandra Rubio and Carmen Borrego warn Edmundo Arrocet after his attacks: “You are going down the wrong path”

Edmundo Arrocet believes that Alejandra Rubio “has succumbed to the easy life.” The young woman, pregnant at 24, expects to give birth in December with Charles CostanzaMar Flores’ son. They have been dating for just six months, but they say they are very happy about this adventure they are embarking on. For many it seems crazy, but the comedian sees this situation as an opportunity for Alejandra to increase “her cachet.” The young woman responded to him on Wednesday. And not only her: Carmen Borrego has also jumped on board.

“Tell him that I have not succumbed to the easy life, I am working every day and the one who has succumbed to the easy life thanks to my grandmother is him”the collaborator of This is lifewho burst into tears on the set the day before, victim of the judgments and “shitty comments” that she receives, even from her own colleagues.

“Thanks to that, he can do an exclusive whenever he feels like earning a little money and give his opinion on things that are neither his business nor his business.”he said. And he added: “He doesn’t belong to our family or our life, or anything, but he continues to take advantage of it because it suits him very well. Edmundo, I don’t need any advice, you don’t know my in-laws, you shouldn’t have an opinion of them. If you think that comparing two families makes you better, you’re on the wrong track.”

Carmen Borrego was also present at the last broadcast of the programme, so she took the opportunity to condemn the fact that, once again, the comedian mentioned María Teresa Campos when speaking about his family. “Teresita wanted Alejandra to study. She was proud of Carmencita because she studied Law”said the comedian.

“It doesn’t belong to our family, or our life, or anything, but it continues to be used because it suits it very well. “Edmundo, I don’t need any advice. You don’t know my in-laws, you shouldn’t be judging them. If you think that comparing two families makes you better, you’re on the wrong track,” Borrego said.
