An intense year politically with the arrival of the regional elections on May 28 and the general ones in the coming months. The candidates prepare for the polls and, throughout these months, they work on their electoral campaign to achieve the best results. In this sense, they also take the opportunity to bring out their most personal side.
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The leader of the popular Alberto Núñez Feijóo, goes on this path. So much so that she has given an interview for a trends, fashion, lifestyle and also “couples” supplement. When asked about his life partner, the businesswoman Eva Cardenassays in Yodonain an interview that is published in its entirety this weekend: “She is a much better manager than me, she was brave and left her comfort zone to be a mother.”

Cárdenas was an external advisor to the Sargadelos group, a company with two hundred years of history that sells handmade porcelain in Galicia and which she joined in December 2020. She held this position until August 2022, when both moved their residence to Madrid for the political rise of the former president of the Xunta de Galicia.
They have been dating since 2013, when she was director of Zara Home. As the Galician revealed, they met on a plane and their relationship quickly strengthened. In 2017 they were parents of their first child together, Alberto. She, divorced, was already the mother of a girl, the result of her first (and for the moment only) marriage.
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Eva could become the next Spanish First Lady and ‘lady’ of Moncloa, and would combine her new position with her work at the Niebla Azul real estate company, founded by herself with her daughter Gabriela in March 2019. It is an agency focused on the rental business. Cárdenas herself defined it as “a beautiful project, well done and generating employment.”